Friday, December 18, 2009

Julep Returns

So, I had taken a break for a bit, but I'm back in the game, full-blown.

On Skulfrak, I still have not gotten than single Outland recipe that stands between him and the Chef title.  I've been doing heroics through the new dungeon finder tool, and the only place he hasn't done yet is Oculus. I'm sure it won't be long.  I still don't know a whole lot of people playing on Steamwheedle Cartel who are playing right now, so it's been very quiet.

I decided to dust off Julep on the Archimonde server, and get her some gear, so I can play more with my son who has a paladin there. She's still got some blues and greens, but on her first heroic, she got three blue upgrades, and her DPS went up quite a bit. After collecting some badges and winning a few pieces of epic gear, I'm sure she'll be right up there where Skul's numbers are. Julep is also Demonology, and I've got my rotation pretty tight. Even with some greens, I was number two on the damage meter, right behind a better geared death knight.

I was reading up, and I'm going to try switching to Seed of Corruption instead of Rain of Fire for AEO damage on trash pulls. Everyone says it's better, so we'll see.

Archimonde is a PvP server, so it's much easier to run heroics standing in Dalaran, using the new dungeon finder tool, rather than having to travel there and being ganked waiting to go in.  Getting some good rep gains in addition to the badges.  Now to save up the 5000 gold to get her epic flying!

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