Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random Thoughts for June

Applied to be warlock columnist on wow.com 
Even if I don't get the job, I have a few sample pieces written now and I came up with ten topics to expand on in the future, so those will show up on here most likely. I'm not a raider, and I can't hang with the folks in Icecrown Citadel going toe-to-toe with the Lich King, but I do have three level 80 warlocks, who have done about everything else. If nothing more, it made me think about writing for a more general audience, and had me paying better attention to my word count. Writing is something I want to get better at in the coming year, so this was good practice. I'm thinking I won't get the gig, but I put my hat in, so we'll see what they say. It would be a lot of fun.

Getting ready for camping trip
The wife and I are taking the kids on a camping trip up in North Florida next month. We'll be right on the beach, so it should be pretty relaxing. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with Trish, maybe planning out our future some. I want to do some writing, maybe some sketching - just spend some time getting my creative vibe back. We haven't had a good vacation in years, and with all that's gone on lately, we deserve one. We'll have family, good food, our dogs, some music and the beach. And perhaps some rum.

Slowly evolving my new website
I have the framework built for my new website, skulfrak.com. There are seven pages of the new Shanghai comic rendered that I can letter and get up there pretty soon. The project is an exercise in re-establishing my identity online for this phase of my life. I haven't done a whole lot of artwork in the past decade that I'm particularly proud of, so it's time to get back to my mainstream comic roots and do the kinds of things that I love with art.

Listening to Francis Chan's "Crazy Love"
I've been listening to his sermon's on iTunes for a while now, and my pastor recommended a book he wrote. I found the audio version, and it's really good. He has an amazing video called "just stop and think" on the companion site for the book - www.crazylovebook.com - and it's life changing. He really breaks down Christianity into terms even an idiot like me can understand.

Trying to be a more thoughtful person
I've come to realize lately that I'm not the most caring or warm person there is. I don't why. I'm making an effort to be a more thoughtful and caring human being, so it's going to be a work in progress.

Don't want oil on my beach
If predictions are accurate, once BP's disaster gets into Florida's loop current, we'll have their mess on our beach, just a block from our house. I refust to refer to this ecological disaster as a spill. A spill is what happens when I set my beer down in the grass while sitting outside and the dog knocks it over. I've been going to the beach a lot since we moved back over to the peninsula, and I hate the thought of it covered in some mega-corporation's petroleum. The images of Florida surrounded by that sludge are sickening.

Do want iPhone 4
I've been making due with the first generation 4 gig model for a few years now, and there are some amazing new features in the model coming out next week. Being able to conduct my in-game auctions from the phone are blowing my mind. I love the remote access to the computers on my network, and some of the music apps are incredible. I would also like an iPad if one fell in my lap, but let's not get carried away. The resolution on the new phone is more than double what the old one was. And video calls? Whoa. I love gadgets.

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