Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Thoughts for July

Well, I came off of our camping trip with a big high, having had a great time.  We cooked out, played a lot of Magic: The Gathering, and I worked on my guitar playing quite a bit.

The day after we get home, I slipped in the shower, fell, and broke my left ring finger. Shattered the knuckle.  I can't get health insurance until next February, so if I want it fixed properly, it'll run me more than $3000 in cash, all up front, which I don't have.  I bought a $3 finger splint in Walmart, and I'm doing a lot of praying that it will eventually bend ans function close to what it used to.

My guitar playing is on hold until I see how it heals, so dreams of a nice Rickenbacker will remain dreams.

My son Kyle came back from the Navy for a visit, and we all went down to the comic shop and played in the Magic: The Gathering tournament.  We all lost, but it was fun.  I'm just amazed that after all of the Pokemon, Yughioh, etc, and other games, the original is still going stronger than ever.  Trish picked it up really fast, and has become quite the opponent!

I haven't done much art lately.  I really need to get back to it.

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